SciChart.js JavaScript 3D Charts API > Axis3D APIs > Numeric and Date Axis in SciChart3D
Numeric and Date Axis in SciChart3D

SciChart.js 3D features several axis types. All inherit from AxisBase3D. The Axis are the logical representation of the XZ, ZY, YX planes in the Axis Cube.

X,Y,Z axis are required to measure the sciChart3DSurface.renderableSeries, for instance, an axis is responsible for the transformation between data-values (provided by your code) and world coordinates (X,Y,Z values in 3D Space).

See the article on Coordinates in 3D Space to explain the difference between World and Data coordinates and how to define the dimensions of the Axis Cube.


The NumericAxis3D is a Value-Axis and is suitable when the data on that axis is numeric (e.g. JavaScript number - 64-bit double precision values).

The API between SciChart.js 2D and 3D is shared, so all properties related to showing/hiding gridlinesformatting labels or spacing of labels are shared between 2D & 3D charts.

Here's a short example showing how to configure this axis type.

// Demonstrates how to create a 3D chart with X,Y,Z axis in SciChart.js
const {
} = SciChart;

// or, for npm, import { SciChart3DSurface, ... } from "scichart"

// Create a SciChart3DSurface in the host <div id=".." />
const { wasmContext, sciChart3DSurface } = await SciChart3DSurface.create(divElementId, {
  theme: new SciChartJsNavyTheme(),
  worldDimensions: new Vector3(300, 200, 300),
  cameraOptions: {
    position: new Vector3(300, 300, 300),
    target: new Vector3(0, 50, 0),

// Create an xAxis and assign to SciChart3DSurface
sciChart3DSurface.xAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, {
  // All these properties are optional
  // ...
  // Enable flags like drawing gridlines
  drawMajorGridLines: true,
  drawMinorGridLines: true,
  drawLabels: true,
  axisTitle: "X Axis, 4-decimal places",
  // set VisibleRange. If not SciChart will calculate this on startup
  visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 1000),
  // Enable decision labels with 4 significant figures
  labelFormat: ENumericFormat.Scientific,
  cursorLabelFormat: ENumericFormat.Decimal,
  labelPrecision: 4,
  // Hint to show no more than 5 labels on the axis
  maxAutoTicks: 5,
  // Offset our labels so that they dont overlap
  titleOffset: 50,
  tickLabelsOffset: 10,

// Create the Y-Axis and assign to SciChart3DSurface
sciChart3DSurface.yAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, {
  axisTitle: "Y Axis, 2 dp, prefix & postfix",
  labelPrecision: 2,
  labelPrefix: "$",
  labelPostfix: " USD",
  visibleRange: new NumberRange(10, 10000),
  // Hint to show no more than 5 labels on the axis
  maxAutoTicks: 5,
  // Offset our labels so that they dont overlap
  titleOffset: 50,
  tickLabelsOffset: 10,
sciChart3DSurface.zAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, {
  axisTitle: "Z Axis, 0 dp",
  // labelFormat: ENumericFormat.Scientific,
  visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 1000),
  labelPrecision: 0,
  labelPostfix: " kWh",
  // Hint to show no more than 5 labels on the axis
  maxAutoTicks: 5,
  // Offset our labels so that they dont overlap
  titleOffset: 50,
  tickLabelsOffset: 10,

// Optional: add zooming, panning for the example
  new MouseWheelZoomModifier3D(), // provides camera zoom on mouse wheel
  new OrbitModifier3D(), // provides 3d rotation on left mouse drag
  new ResetCamera3DModifier()); // resets camera position on double-click
<div class="wrapper">
    <div id="scichart-root" ></div>
    <div class="titleWrapper">
        <p class="title">SciChart.js 3D Chart Example</p>
        <p class="subTitle">Demonstrate label formatting in 3D</p>

body { margin: 0; font-family: Arial; }
.wrapper { width: 100%; height: 100vh; position: relative; }
#scichart-root { width: 100%; height: 100%; position: relative; }
.titleWrapper { position: absolute; width: 100%; top: 35%; text-align: center; pointer-events: none; color: #ffffff77 }
.title { font-size: 20px; }
.subTitle {  font-size: 16px; }

async function numericAxis3D(divElementId) {
  // #region ExampleA
  // Demonstrates how to create a 3D chart with X,Y,Z axis in SciChart.js
  const {
  } = SciChart;

  // or, for npm, import { SciChart3DSurface, ... } from "scichart"

  // Create a SciChart3DSurface in the host <div id=".." />
  const { wasmContext, sciChart3DSurface } = await SciChart3DSurface.create(divElementId, {
    theme: new SciChartJsNavyTheme(),
    worldDimensions: new Vector3(300, 200, 300),
    cameraOptions: {
      position: new Vector3(300, 300, 300),
      target: new Vector3(0, 50, 0),

  // Create an xAxis and assign to SciChart3DSurface
  sciChart3DSurface.xAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, {
    // All these properties are optional
    // ...
    // Enable flags like drawing gridlines
    drawMajorGridLines: true,
    drawMinorGridLines: true,
    drawLabels: true,
    axisTitle: "X Axis, 4-decimal places",
    // set VisibleRange. If not SciChart will calculate this on startup
    visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 1000),
    // Enable decision labels with 4 significant figures
    labelFormat: ENumericFormat.Scientific,
    cursorLabelFormat: ENumericFormat.Decimal,
    labelPrecision: 4,
    // Hint to show no more than 5 labels on the axis
    maxAutoTicks: 5,
    // Offset our labels so that they dont overlap
    titleOffset: 50,
    tickLabelsOffset: 10,

  // Create the Y-Axis and assign to SciChart3DSurface
  sciChart3DSurface.yAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, {
    axisTitle: "Y Axis, 2 dp, prefix & postfix",
    labelPrecision: 2,
    labelPrefix: "$",
    labelPostfix: " USD",
    visibleRange: new NumberRange(10, 10000),
    // Hint to show no more than 5 labels on the axis
    maxAutoTicks: 5,
    // Offset our labels so that they dont overlap
    titleOffset: 50,
    tickLabelsOffset: 10,
  sciChart3DSurface.zAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, {
    axisTitle: "Z Axis, 0 dp",
    // labelFormat: ENumericFormat.Scientific,
    visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 1000),
    labelPrecision: 0,
    labelPostfix: " kWh",
    // Hint to show no more than 5 labels on the axis
    maxAutoTicks: 5,
    // Offset our labels so that they dont overlap
    titleOffset: 50,
    tickLabelsOffset: 10,

  // Optional: add zooming, panning for the example
    new MouseWheelZoomModifier3D(), // provides camera zoom on mouse wheel
    new OrbitModifier3D(), // provides 3d rotation on left mouse drag
    new ResetCamera3DModifier()); // resets camera position on double-click
  // #endregion



Date Axis 3D

At the time of writing, there is no date-specific axis in SciChart.js 3D. However, it is still possible to use NumericAxis3D with date formatting, assuming your data is included as linux timestamps / 1000.

For this to work, the values in the X-direction must be linux timestamps / 1000 (seconds since 01-01-1970). Axis.visibleRange also expects values in this format.

// Demonstrates how to create a 3D chart with X,Y,Z axis in SciChart.js
const {
} = SciChart;

// or, for npm, import { SciChart3DSurface, ... } from "scichart"

// Create a SciChart3DSurface in the host <div id=".." />
const { wasmContext, sciChart3DSurface } = await SciChart3DSurface.create(divElementId, {
  theme: new SciChartJsNavyTheme(),
  worldDimensions: new Vector3(300, 200, 300),
  cameraOptions: {
    position: new Vector3(300, 300, 300),
    target: new Vector3(0, 50, 0),

// If you want to show an XAxis with dates between 1st March 2023 and 10th March 2023
const minDate = new Date("2023-03-01");
const maxDate = new Date("2023-03-10");

// Create an xAxis and assign to SciChart3DSurface
sciChart3DSurface.xAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, {
  axisTitle: "XAxis DD-MM-YYYY",
  // We need to specify some visibleRange to see these two dates
  // SciChart.js expects linux timestamp / 1000
  visibleRange: new NumberRange(minDate.getTime() / 1000, maxDate.getTime() / 1000),
  // Enable formatting as dates. Expects values on this axis to be in seconds since 1970-01-01
  labelFormat: ENumericFormat.Date_DDMMYYYY,
  titleOffset: 100,

// Create the Y and Z-Axis and assign to SciChart3DSurface
sciChart3DSurface.yAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, {
  axisTitle: "Y Axis",
sciChart3DSurface.zAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, {
  axisTitle: "Z Axis",

// Optional: add zooming, panning for the example
  new MouseWheelZoomModifier3D(), // provides camera zoom on mouse wheel
  new OrbitModifier3D(), // provides 3d rotation on left mouse drag
  new ResetCamera3DModifier()); // resets camera position on double-click


<div class="wrapper">
    <div id="scichart-root" ></div>
    <div class="titleWrapper">
        <p class="title">SciChart.js 3D Chart Example</p>
        <p class="subTitle">Formatting values as Dates</p>

body { margin: 0; font-family: Arial; }
.wrapper { width: 100%; height: 100vh; position: relative; }
#scichart-root { width: 100%; height: 100%; position: relative; }
.titleWrapper { position: absolute; width: 100%; top: 35%; text-align: center; pointer-events: none; color: #ffffff77 }
.title { font-size: 20px; }
.subTitle {  font-size: 16px; }

async function numericAxisFormattedAsDates3D(divElementId) {
  // #region ExampleA
  // Demonstrates how to create a 3D chart with X,Y,Z axis in SciChart.js
  const {
  } = SciChart;

  // or, for npm, import { SciChart3DSurface, ... } from "scichart"

  // Create a SciChart3DSurface in the host <div id=".." />
  const { wasmContext, sciChart3DSurface } = await SciChart3DSurface.create(divElementId, {
    theme: new SciChartJsNavyTheme(),
    worldDimensions: new Vector3(300, 200, 300),
    cameraOptions: {
      position: new Vector3(300, 300, 300),
      target: new Vector3(0, 50, 0),

  // If you want to show an XAxis with dates between 1st March 2023 and 10th March 2023
  const minDate = new Date("2023-03-01");
  const maxDate = new Date("2023-03-10");

  // Create an xAxis and assign to SciChart3DSurface
  sciChart3DSurface.xAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, {
    axisTitle: "XAxis DD-MM-YYYY",
    // We need to specify some visibleRange to see these two dates
    // SciChart.js expects linux timestamp / 1000
    visibleRange: new NumberRange(minDate.getTime() / 1000, maxDate.getTime() / 1000),
    // Enable formatting as dates. Expects values on this axis to be in seconds since 1970-01-01
    labelFormat: ENumericFormat.Date_DDMMYYYY,
    titleOffset: 100,

  // Create the Y and Z-Axis and assign to SciChart3DSurface
  sciChart3DSurface.yAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, {
    axisTitle: "Y Axis",
  sciChart3DSurface.zAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, {
    axisTitle: "Z Axis",

  // Optional: add zooming, panning for the example
    new MouseWheelZoomModifier3D(), // provides camera zoom on mouse wheel
    new OrbitModifier3D(), // provides 3d rotation on left mouse drag
    new ResetCamera3DModifier()); // resets camera position on double-click
  // #endregion
